Heard about our Bat Fitting Experience?

Heard about our Bat Fitting Experience? - Cricket World Australia


There’s a familiar saying in life & sport that goes upon the lines of ‘if you keep doing what you’ve always done you’ll continue to get the same results’

Which is great if you’re Ricky Ponting or Steve Smith but most of us aren’t!

So, 6 months ago I turned my attention to unearthing as much as I could about how different sports choose their equipment to maximize their performance.

Cricket was galaxies behind some sports and that’s being flattering.

So I purchased a set of custom made bats, diff weights & profiles, from @MadeByGrayNics Master Craftsman Stu Kranzbuhler, a good friend, former team mate, leader in his craft.

Then Sam Kindlen, Shannon Young & myself started to put our own cricket knowledge & beliefs to the test with data from the @StanceBeam Bat Sensor in the first class facility that is @youngguncricket It’s fair to say what we are finding has been mind boggling and extremely beneficial to all those involved - increasing hand & bat speeds, improving timing & most importantly maximizing value for shots

Today we go live for bookings!

Two experiences to start with - 1st Class Experience where you test drive the bats yourself or you can go for our data driven Ultimate Bat Fitting Experience with myself analyzing data & guiding you on your journey to batting greatness!


PS @KookaburraCkt Bat Fitting bats not far away now either!

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